Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A November to Remember

I realize it's been an extremely long time since I last posted. Life has seriously gotten in the way. With so much going on, I have found little time to dedicate to my blog.

I have so much to be thankful for and the month of November was full of blessings. I am reminded of one of my favorite hymns: Count your many blessings, name them one by one.

1. My sweet friend Suzanne came to Milledgeville to visit

2. I was accepted into the January 2012 Dietetic Internship class at Iowa State University!!
This is the big news I was referring to at the end of the last post. This internship is a distance program which means will go to Iowa for one week in January (brrrrr!!) and will come home to complete all of my rotations. That's right... I said home!! I'm sad to leave my friends and co-workers in Milledgeville, but could not be more excited to be back in Alabama and closer to my family and friends again. I also cannot wait to get started with my internship. While I know it will quite possibly be the hardest 6 months of my collegiate career (50 hours of clinicals weekly + grad school courses) I have never been more excited for school. I know this is God's plan for my life and I could not be happier!

3. My dad started a new job
This past year has taught my family to fully rely on God in every situation. I am thankful for parents who love the Lord and have taught my brother and I to trust in HIS provision.

4. I did not work a full week (in the clinic) the whole month of November
November holds two state holidays (Veterans Day and Thanksgiving) which means I got a bunch of days off! The way the schedule worked out, I worked no more than 4 days each week this month! Thank goodness for short work-weeks and long weekends...

5. I celebrated my 24th year of life

6. My little younger brother turned 18!!! Whoa.

7. My sweetest, prettiest, favoritest cousin turned 20 on the same day. Double woah.

8. Breaking Dawn Part 1 is now in theaters
I know it's silly to be thankful for this, but it's my blog and I'll be silly if I want to. Oh how I love the Twilight. I also spent the better part of the last two weeks re-reading all four books. Don't judge me.

9. Thanksgiving Day
Since we had a much smaller group this year (12 of the possible 23), we spent Thanksgiving Day at the lake. We still had all of the regular grub to munch on, but it was nice to have a change of scenery. We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, ate delicous food, and played our usual rowdy game of Apples-to-Apples. It was a successful Thanksgiving Day in my book.

10. Iron Bowl 2011
I am well-aware of the fact that Auburn lost this football game. However, I'm always thankful to be in Auburn and show my school spirit. WAR EAGLE!

11. Black Friday
I have never been one to really participate in the Black Friday shopping festivities. While I was not up with you crazies at 5am, I did spend the whole day shopping with the madre and finished most of my Christmas shopping. We also took full advantage of the California Yogurt Kraze buy-one-get-one-free Black Friday special. Score!

12. I spent ALOT of quality time with friends and family

13. Friends are gettin' hitched
My high school friend turned freshman year roomate, Ashley Pavey, got engaged a few months ago. But I didn't have a blog then... so I'm thankful for it now! I cannot wait to stand by her side in April as she marries the man of her dreams.
Also, my life-long friend turned sorority sista, Jenna Brendle, got engaged the day before Thanksgiving. Thankful that she, too, will be marrying the man of her dreams very soon.

14. Christmas is a comin'
I really love everything about Christmas. The music, the decorations, the shopping, the gift giving, the cheery feel in the air... EVERYTHING. I have been listening to Christmas music since early November and put my wreath on my door before I left for Thanksgiving so that it would already be up when I returned. This really is the most wonderful time of the year!

I hope everyone had a blessed November and has as much to be thankful for as I do.

I'll try not to stay away so long next time...

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