Sunday, February 26, 2012

Change of Plans

Is it really almost March??
I'm not sure where the time is going, but reflecting on the past few weeks makes my head spin. My life has taken off and if I'm not careful, I may get left in the dust.

Last week was the end of the first part of the clinical rotation for my internship (did you follow that???). I am loving every minute of my experience and am learning more than I ever could have imagined. I spent the last 6 weeks working in the hospitals and outpatient clinics, but tomorrow begins a completely different journey. I will be working for the next 4 weeks at the Alabama Dept of Public Health and am so excited to see what new experiences await me.

Before I started my intership, I was under the impression that I had done enough growing up for a while. I had lived on my own for a year and was confident in where my life was headed. I was actually relieved to be coming back home and thought I would be able to put being a grown-up on hold for a while.

Boy was I wrong...

God had bigger plans for me and is not done molding me into the woman he wants me to be. I thought I had everything figured out and had become comfortable with the way my life was turning out. I knew there were things that needed improvement, but I convinced myself that God wouldn't mind if I got to those things later. What I got was a wake-up call. Not the sweet sunlight through the windows, gentle shake of your arm type of wake-up call. It was the screeching alarm clock, cold water in your face type.

I have struggled with understanding why my life has been turned up-side down. I am a good person. I am kind and have alot of love to give. I love my God and strive to live in the center of his will. Why could he not give me the one thing I want most from this earthly life?

The answer came through His word.

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4-6

But if we hope for what we do not have, we wait for it patiently. Romans 8:25

The Lord will fight for you and you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14

I may not be able to see how my life will turn out, but I find rest in knowing that God has my best interest at heart. My God is bigger and greater and more powerful than any earthly desire. Deuteronomy 15:6 tells me my God will bless me just as He promised. Who am I to question Him?

I am humbled by his grace and find peace in his word. I can feel myself becoming stronger with each passing day and know that it is not of my own doing. He is putting me back together one piece at a time.